
Advanced Human Digestion Platform 

Digestion Models & Analytical Services for the Food Industry

At DigestQX, we use internationally validated Static and Semi-Dynamic Digestion Models to replicate or mimic the conditions of the human digestive system. We can accommodate your project needs including the analysis of metabolites of interest.

Digestion of food in the human digestive system is complex and includes many physicochemical processes that take part
 in the food intake and absorption

The structure and composition of food are key factors that impact its nutritional value. 
To understand the health benefits of a certain diet or food ingredient it is important to study and understand 
the release of nutrients and phytochemicals during the digestion process



      Commercial Services 

Modelling Human Digestion

Digestion of food in the human digestive system is complex and includes many physicochemical processes that control food intake and nutrient absorption. At DigestQX we use internationally validated Static and Semi-Dynamic Digestion Models to replicate or mimic the conditions of the human digestive system

Analytical Services 

In addition to the nutrient composition, the structure and physical properties of food are emerging as key factors that impact its nutritional value and subsequent health impact. To understand the health benefits of a certain diet or food ingredient it is important to study and understand the release of nutrients from real foods during the digestion process

Digestion models we offer: 





